Monday, August 17, 2009

English AA draft 3

Water dripped from leaking pipes which ran through walls. Rats and lizards were crawling all over the stench floor. Seri and her best friend, Lyia, were remembering the days when they had fun together. Both of them were joyful because they still remembered their long last friendship and had to face the consequences which they should not have done.
Seri was playing hide and seek all by herself in the tea plantation while waiting for her mother to finish her job. While she was running around, she saw a little girl carrying a haversack near an old well. She came up to her and says, “Hello, my name is Seri what’s yours?” The little girl gave an odd expression which shows that she does not understand English. Seri gave another try but she shows signs while saying, “It seems that you do not understand much English, but will you play with me?” The little girl nodded her head. Soon Seri and the little girl became friends and played together until the end of the day. Seri’s mother invited her to her house to have dinner. She checked her haversack and found a birth certificate and found out that this girl name was Lyia and was an orphan. She also found out that Lyia was born in Sri Lanka and in the same year as Seri. Seri’s mother signed Lyia up for school together with Seri. Lyia was a fast learner and is now competing with Seri.
Seri and Lyia both graduated from their primary school and now waiting to go to high school. But in order to go there they need money and good grades. Seri and Lyia had the good grades but do not have the money. The day after, they receive mails from the government that they have gained independent but only those who have Ceylon Citizenship can have the rights for the citizenship which they need to have forefathers who were born in Sri Lanka or they must be born in Sri Lanka. Seri and Lyia were happy that they receive the Ceylon Citizenship because they were born in Sri Lanka. Both of them saw Seri’s mother going out of the house without saying a word.
“Mom why with the long face?” Seri asked politely, both of them look worried. “Your grandfather will be coming to take you and Lyia to his hometown where you all can further your studies and make me proud”. Seri and Lyia understand the problem and prepare their bags.
“Then what about you, mom?” Seri asked before she boards the truck. “Don’t worry about me, I can still survive working in this tea plantation and don’t forgot to visit me once in awhile,” Durga replied with tears rolling down her cheek.
Seri and Lyia was choosing their rooms and unpacking their bags. They then went to the nearest high school. The first day in high school was exciting but there are some gossips and some students there bad mouthing about them. They will always get prank or joked about because Seri’s parents were from India and Lyia was an orphan. Both of them got used to these things and concentrated more on their studies. Seri’s grandfather, Gori, was doing well in his business until the new official language came into act. Gori needed to learn Sinhala in three years because he works with the government and if he does not learn Sinhala, he will lose his job and business. Three years have passed but Gori still could not learn Sinhala therefore he was out of business and his company had been closed down. Seri and Lyia suffered because her grandfather could not pay for the school fee. Fortunately, Seri and Lyia managed to get to university and take engineering course. Seri and Lyia completed the course and now looking for a job but there was one problem. The job that they want required them to know Sinhala but both of them only know a few basic Sinhala words. They soon realized that it was hopeless. So they returned to their home to be with Seri’s mother. Unfortunately, they saw three Sinhalese peasants walking in and out of the house. Seri and Lyia questioned them and the peasants gave them an enveloped which was about where Seri’s mother was living and why the peasants are staying in that house. It was because of the Resettlement policy in 1950. Seri and Lyia went to find the address. Seri was glad that her mother was still living. Seri and Lyia worked part-time in a shop near her house and worked in the tea plantation every Saturday and Sunday. One evening, the Tamil Indians went to protest to the government. Seri and Lyia did not want to take part in this riot. The Tamil Indians made the Tamil Tigers and recruited a lot of young girls and boys. Many were brainwashed or forced to join the Tamil Tigers. Sound of boots marching across could be heard from the enclosed and quiet house. The Tamil Tigers marched passed the haunted house without even stopping to check the house. “Halt!” a loud voice shouted across the troop, “You! Check the house.” Lyia went into the house with much confidence but after the door she whispered quietly, “Seri please come out, if you join us we can have freedom and our free land.” Seri and her mother were hiding behind the shelf holding a big wok and a sharpened bamboo pole to protect themselves. As soon as they heard Lyia’s voice they released their defence but around dozen of soldiers stormed into the house and surround Seri and her mother. “This house is totally surrounded by my soldiers. If you do not give in, we shall shoot you!” the commander scream which made Seri and her mother shocked. In the end, Seri and Lyia became the top soldiers in the camp. Both of them were then assigned to destroy all documents which were related to the Tamil Tigers. Their leader said that they have to either destroy the whole place or retrieve the documents safely. Both of them planned out everything that they need and were about carry out the plan. Seri and Lyia were hiding in a garbage truck which will always stop at the government house. Both of them quietly tip toed into the house. They had someone from the academy to help lookout for them but she betrayed them because of money and now, they were caught and being jailed and had to face their consequences which was death.

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