Sunday, July 19, 2009

Research and plot for English Alternative Assignment


Introduction/History of Sri Lanka
-Sri lanka was also known as Ceylon.
-Sri lanka was ruled by the British before they gained independence in the year 1948
-The British brought poor and English educated Indian Tamils to Sri Lanka to work in a tea plantation.
-Before Sri lanka became independent, the country was living peacefully.

Complication/Causes and Conflicts Sinhalese and Tamils

Ceylon Citizenship Act 1948
-Forefathers or those who were born in Sri lanka will only get the citizenship.
-Many Indian Tamils were stateless
-The Tamils disagreed on the policy and us politely to give them citizenship

Resettlement Policy 1950
-Sinhalese peasants were moved to the Tamils area to live and grow padi there
-Buddhist monks and Sri Lankan Army,mostly Sinhalese, came to occupy land

Official Language Act 1956
-Sinhala was declared the official language in Sri Lanka
-The Tamils were given three years to learn Sinhala
-Many Tamils were not used to the language and having a hard time finding jobs.

New university admission criteria 1972
-The Tamils were to get higher scores than the Sinhalese to enter the same course
-Some universities reserved Sinhalese only

Main Characters= Seri> A young and intelligent girl but end up in the Tamil Tigers
Seri's Mother,Mdm Durga>Works in a tea plantation
Seri's Grandfather Giro>A business man and works with the government
Seri's Best Friend Lyia>An orphan but was raised by Seri's mother
~THe PLot~
-Seri's Mother was brought to Sri lanka to work in the tea plantation to support her family.
-Seri was born in Sri lanka in the year 1935.
-Seri study in a small school in Jafna with her best friend,Lyia.
-Started studying when she was 5 which was the year 1940 wher British still rule the island.
-when Sri lanka gained independent, they make the Ceylon Citizenship Act
-Seri was lucky that she was born in Sri lanka
-But her mother was not accepted because Seri's grandfather was her father-in-law.
-Seri's grandfather agreed to take Seri and Lyia to his hometown where they can further their studies.
-Many policies were made
-Seri and Lyia faced many problems
-Lyia then Joined the Tamil Tigers to rebel
-Seri did not want to but were forced to join

-Seri hide from terror but were found by her best friend Lyia
-The Tamil Tigers Brought terror upon the Sinhalese
-Seri and Lyia were caught by the Sri Lankan Army before they manage to bomb a truck full of supplies
-Seri and Lyia were tortured and asked many times to tell all of the Tamil Tiger plans
-Seri and Lyia were excecuted because was unable to give information on Tamil Tigers
-Lyia persuaded her friend to join

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